01483 216657
51.520025638622, -0.13157907486878
Two London campuses as part of wider network
Type of support available
- Accessible learning space
- Adapted accomodation
- Campus tours
- Specialist knowledge within disability service
- Support available from academic staff
- Specialist groups or disabled students network
Advice and Support
Funding for an SpLD assessment
Can a student be referred for a Specific Learning Differences (SpLD) support with a Specialist teacher through the University?
Yes. Following a brief screening questionnaire, we can refer students to be tested with an external Educational Psychologist. We cover most of the cost and ask the student to make a £75 contribution. If a student has a Form 8, the £75 contribution fee is waived. Students can receive specialist 1-2-1 support with a specialist teacher via DSA or they can access ULaw’s general study skills support.
Disability Adviser available
Are there specialist staff available to talk to within the service? Is there a disability officer or a disability adviser for students to talk to?
We have a friendly and supportive team of disability advisers on hand with a wide array of knowledge, experience, and specialisms. Students are allocated a Disability advisor based on their campus.
Support from academic staff
Is advice and support available from academic staff within the faculties of the University? How do students access this advice and support?
Students are assigned a personal tutor who they can turn to for support and advice. Subject tutors also offer an open ‘door policy’ and students can make brief appointments with them if they have specific questions or concerns about the topic.
Staff continuity and understanding individual needs
Are the specialist disability staff in the team able to offer a personalised, bespoke response to a student’s needs? Where possible, is continuity provided for the student in meeting the same Disability Adviser and/or mentor so the student can get to know them over time?
All students are assigned their own disability adviser based on their campus. They will get to know them over the year, and we aim to provide a personal response to students based on their individual needs.
One to one mentoring support
Are there any additional services available such as mentoring, counselling services or a buddy scheme to help a new student to settle in if needed?
We have an excellent counselling service and a welfare team who provide support and advice on a variety of personal, practical and/or social issues or concerns. For students registered with the service, ULaw offers early induction and support during the lead up to starting the course, including workshops and phone appointments.
One to one / group study skills
Does the institution provide support with arranging One to one/Group study skills sessions?
Study Skills tutors are available and offer 1-2-1 or group sessions along with comprehensive online study skills modules that all students can access.
Social and Peer Support
Adapted accommodation in halls
Is adapted accommodation and specialist equipment available in halls of residence?
ULaw does not have Halls of Residence at any of its campuses. However, our accommodation team can direct students to a portfolio of accommodation including providers who have adapted accommodation.
Assistive Technology
Does the institution offer a standard level of assistive technology to disabled students?
Yes, we have Claro and Xmind networked on our computers on campus. We also provide Microsoft 10 via the web app that incorporates a dictation and read loud function for all students.
COVID-19 support
How has your Disability Support offer changed in light of the Coronavirus pandemic? Are in person appointments currently suspended? If prospective applicants would like to register with the Disability Service, how do they go about doing this currently?
Currently students can contact us either via phone/video call or via email. We have introduced a new self-service booking system so that students can book phone/video calls with us, which is proving to be very popular.
We have also provided additional support around exams including live workshops highlighting the accessibility features on our exam platforms to assist with the transition to online assessments.
We also offer an enhanced service for students who are clinically extremely vulnerable to Covid -19 where we have regular contact with them.
Students can declare their disability, SpLD or medical condition on application, we will then contact them with how to register. However, we are happy to hear from prospective students at any time and we can be contacted on the following email address: [email protected] (June 2021)