University of the Arts London

51.517718469977, -0.11635905000001



272 High Holborn

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Type of support available

  • Accessible learning space
  • Adapted accomodation
  • Campus tours
  • Specialist knowledge within disability service
  • Support available from academic staff
  • Specialist groups or disabled students network

Advice and Support

Funding for an SpLD assessment

Can a student be referred for a Specific Learning Differences (SpLD) support with a Specialist teacher through the University?

UAL provides screenings and assessments for Specific Learning Differences to students, free of charge. Students must be enrolled on their course before attending a screening or assessment. However, early contact before enrolment means arrangements can be made more quickly.

Disability Adviser available

Are there specialist staff available to talk to within the service?  Is there a disability officer or a disability adviser for students to talk to?

  • Each student has a named Disability Adviser.

Disability Advisers work with students to:

  • Identify barriers to studies
  • Agree the adjustments and support needed to remove these barriers
  • Communicate  needs to other staff who need to know
  • Apply for funding, such as Disabled Students Allowances
  • Identify equipment, assistive software and support for your studies
  • Signpost to other facilities and support

Support from academic staff

Is advice and support available from academic staff within the faculties of the University? How do students access this advice and support?

All students are entitled to receive academic and pastoral advice and support from tutors and will have regular opportunities for individual and group tutorials. Disability Advisers and students often liaise with a specific, named tutor from the student’s course about adjustments and support. This is often (not always) the Course Leader.

Staff continuity and understanding individual needs

Are the specialist disability staff in the team able to offer a personalised, bespoke response to a student’s needs? Where possible, is continuity provided for the student in meeting the same Disability Adviser and/or mentor so the student can get to know them over time?

Continuity of contact is really important to us. Students work with a named Disability Adviser. Disability Advisers work with all students on a particular course. Disability Advisers have in-depth understanding of how courses are taught and assessed. This helps them anticipate and remove barriers for students.

One to one mentoring support

Are there any additional services available such as mentoring, counselling services or a buddy scheme to help a new student to settle in if needed?

UAL Disability Service is a registered provider of Specialist Study Skills Support (funded by DSA). We also coordinate Specialist Mentoring for disabled students.

UAL has a range of support services for students including:

  • Counselling
  • Health Advice
  • Chaplaincy
  • Money and Immigration Advice
  • Care Leavers
  • Academic Support

One to one / group study skills

Does the institution provide support with arranging One to one/Group study skills sessions?

UAL Disability Service has a team of Specialist Study Skills Tutors who provide one-to-one support for disabled students and students with Specific Learning Differences or Autism. UAL’s Academic Support teams provide individual and group tutorial support to help all students to develop their study skills.

Social and Peer Support

Specialist support groups

Are there specialist support groups or a disabled students network available at the University?

There is not currently a disabled students’ network at the University. Disabled students can seek peer support or raise issues for potential campaigning via their Students’ Union course representatives or the Students’ Union Sabbatical Officers.

Clubs and societies

Are there opportunities provided by the institution’s Students Union, Student Support service or Wellbeing service to take part in inclusive and accessible clubs and societies?

Our Students’ Union provides a range of clubs and societies for students. The Disability Service provides advice and training to help the Students’ Union ensure that clubs and societies are inclusive and accessible.


Adapted accommodation in halls

Is adapted accommodation and specialist equipment available in halls of residence?

UAL has a range of student accommodation, including accessible rooms, en suite and studio facilities. You can discuss specific requirements with Accommodation Services or the Disability Service. The two services work closely together to ensure students’ needs are met.

Assistive Technology

Does the institution offer a standard level of assistive technology to disabled students?

UAL has a wide range of assistive software available including packages for:

  • Text-to-speech
  • Mind mapping
  • Dictation
  • Creating accessible files

UAL have a range of information and advice on useful Apps and in-built accessibility features.

COVID-19 support

How has your Disability Support offer changed in light of the Coronavirus pandemic? Are in person appointments currently suspended? If prospective applicants would like to register with the Disability Service, how do they go about doing this currently?

UAL Disability Service is working online. UAL provide advice and support via email, phone and virtual meetings.

To make contact, please email [email protected] or phone the Disability Service team on 020 7514 6156. The phone line is staffed from 1-4pm Monday-Friday. You can also leave a voicemail.