London South Bank University

London South Bank University

51.498602122324, -0.10189750740965



103 Borough Road

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Type of support available

  • Accessible learning space
  • Adapted accomodation
  • Campus tours
  • Specialist knowledge within disability service
  • Support available from academic staff
  • Specialist groups or disabled students network

Advice and Support

Funding for an SpLD assessment

Can a student be referred for a Specific Learning Differences (SpLD) support with a Specialist teacher through the University?

Students are encouraged to complete a free online screening if they want to find out if they have an SpLD. On completion of the screening, a Disability & Dyslexia Advisor picks up the results and if there is a likelihood of an SpLD the student will be referred to see an Educational Psychologist for a full diagnostic assessment. The cost of this assessment if funded by the University. 

Disability Adviser available

Are there specialist staff available to talk to within the service?  Is there a disability officer or a disability adviser for students to talk to?

The Disability & Dyslexia Service at LSBU works closely with individual students and academic teams to make reasonable adjustments on their chosen programme of study. An appointment can be made by emailing [email protected] for a meeting online or on campus to discuss their requirements in more detail. 

Support from academic staff

Is advice and support available from academic staff within the faculties of the University? How do students access this advice and support?

The Disability & Dyslexia Service at LSBU works closely with individual students and academic teams to make reasonable adjustments on their chosen programme of study. An appointment can be made by emailing [email protected] for an online meeting to discuss their requirements in more detail. 

Staff continuity and understanding individual needs

Are the specialist disability staff in the team able to offer a personalised, bespoke response to a student’s needs? Where possible, is continuity provided for the student in meeting the same Disability Adviser and/or mentor so the student can get to know them over time?

Once a student contacts the service and books an appointment, a Disability & Dyslexia Advisor will be allocated and act as the main point of contact for the student. Support Arrangements will be discussed with the student to mitigate the barriers they may experience and once agreed shared with relevant colleagues. Regular reviews are also available.

One to one mentoring support

Are there any additional services available such as mentoring, counselling services or a buddy scheme to help a new student to settle in if needed?

Specialist Mentoring is available to work with students on a one to one basis to help manage the workload, plan and prioritize the demands of the course and related non-academic concerns. LSBU works with a variety of specialist agencies who provide this level of support. Counselling is also available and students are referred to a local external agency as required by the Mental Health & Wellbeing service. 

One to one / group study skills

Does the institution provide support with arranging One to one/Group study skills sessions?

Specialist Study Skills Support is available to students with a specific learning difference such as Dyslexia. This is provided by external specialist agencies and are currently being delivered online. The Skills for Learning team also provides non-specialist support to all students. Drop ins are available as well as bookable study workshops. 

Social and Peer Support

Specialist support groups

Are there specialist support groups or a disabled students network available at the University?

The Students Union supports clubs and societies including the Invisible Disabilities Society.

Clubs and societies

Are there opportunities provided by the institution’s Students Union, Student Support service or Wellbeing service to take part in inclusive and accessible clubs and societies?

The student Union currently offers and supports  39 Clubs and Societies ranging from Animal Therapy, Gaming, Multi Faiths, Cultural, LGBT and Invisible Disabilities Society. The Union also supports new ideas. LSBU’s Sports Academy also has a wide-ranging programme of sporting, recreational and health-promoting activities. 


Adapted accommodation in halls

Is adapted accommodation and specialist equipment available in halls of residence?

There are two fully adapted accessible flats available to students that require larger living spaces for accessibility reasons as well as a need for a personal carer to live in with them. Students are encouraged to let us know as soon as possible during the application cycle that this will be required so that alterations to accommodation can be planned and completed before the start of the programme. 

Assistive Technology

Does the institution offer a standard level of assistive technology to disabled students?

Assistive Technology is networked across the study areas of the University & Library. This includes Claro Read (Text to Voice) and Mind View (planning essays and assignments). The Learning Resource Centre in the library provides accessible bookable rooms that also has specialist software such as Dragon Dictate, Supernova and ergonomic equipment. 

COVID-19 support

How has your Disability Support offer changed in light of the Coronavirus pandemic? Are in person appointments currently suspended? If prospective applicants would like to register with the Disability Service, how do they go about doing this currently?

The Disability & Dyslexia service remains open for students to contact and receive advice and guidance in regard putting support in place for your course as well as seeking external funding such as the Disabled Students Allowances. 

Support Arrangements are relevant for online learning as well as for some skill based programs that may have to delivered on campus. The team works closely with external agencies that can arrange support both on and off campus as required. Please get in touch by emailing [email protected]