020 7636 8636
51.521068619979, -0.13032370000002
Keppel St
Type of support available
- Accessible learning space
- Adapted accomodation
- Campus tours
- Specialist knowledge within disability service
- Support available from academic staff
- Specialist groups or disabled students network
Advice and Support
Funding for an SpLD assessment
Can a student be referred for a Specific Learning Differences (SpLD) support with a Specialist teacher through the University?
The Student Advice team offers Quickscan for students who suspect that they may have dyslexia. If Quickscan identifies areas of difficulty which are similar to a dyslexic profile, the School can then refer you on for a full diagnostic assessment with an Educational Psychologist, which is funded by the School.
Disability Adviser available
Are there specialist staff available to talk to within the service? Is there a disability officer or a disability adviser for students to talk to?
The Student Advice team contacts all students who have declared a disability at the beginning of the academic year to remind them to book an appointment with a Student Adviser to set up their disability support.
Support from academic staff
Is advice and support available from academic staff within the faculties of the University? How do students access this advice and support?
Home students will need to apply for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSA) to access funding for this type of ‘non-medical helper’ support. Typically DSA will fund up to 30 one-hour sessions of either study skills or mentoring support for a full-time academic year. It may be possible for the School to fund a limited number of sessions (up to 6) whilst students’ DSA applications are being processed by their funding body.
Staff continuity and understanding individual needs
Are the specialist disability staff in the team able to offer a personalised, bespoke response to a student’s needs? Where possible, is continuity provided for the student in meeting the same Disability Adviser and/or mentor so the student can get to know them over time?
Information not available.
One to one mentoring support
Are there any additional services available such as mentoring, counselling services or a buddy scheme to help a new student to settle in if needed?
LSHTM offers Pentacell for all MSc students. This is a small, facilitated group within an academic discipline. Each group meets regularly at the beginning of the academic year.
One to one / group study skills
Does the institution provide support with arranging One to one/Group study skills sessions?
Supplementary support is available to help students develop additional learning strategies and/or strategies to manage the effects of their condition on their studies. This may include one-to-one sessions with a specialist study skills tutor for students with SpLD, or with a specialist mentor for students with mental health conditions, long term health conditions or autistic spectrum conditions. The School does not offer this type of support in-house, but students can be referred to an external provider.
Social and Peer Support
Adapted accommodation in halls
Is adapted accommodation and specialist equipment available in halls of residence?
University of London has a number of adapted rooms. The rooms are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note these rooms are limited and cater for all the member institutions of the University of London.
Assistive Technology
Does the institution offer a standard level of assistive technology to disabled students?
The assistive software TextHelp Read & Write Gold, which provides literacy support, is available to all students on the School network computers. Other assistive technology available through DSA.
COVID-19 support
How has your Disability Support offer changed in light of the Coronavirus pandemic? Are in person appointments currently suspended? If prospective applicants would like to register with the Disability Service, how do they go about doing this currently?
All appointments are offered either face to face at the Keppel Street campus or online using Zoom.
Applicants can email [email protected] if they wish to discuss disability support at LSHTM.
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