020 7594 9755
51.498110569963, -0.1771319
South Kensington Campus
Type of support available
- Accessible learning space
- Adapted accomodation
- Campus tours
- Specialist knowledge within disability service
- Support available from academic staff
- Specialist groups or disabled students network
Advice and Support
Funding for an SpLD assessment
Can a student be referred for a Specific Learning Differences (SpLD) support with a Specialist teacher through the University?
Students are screened, assessed and supported by Dyslexia/ SpLD assessors and specialist Dyslexia/ SpLD tutors. This is funded through the College rather than by Disabled Students Allowance.
Disability Adviser available
Are there specialist staff available to talk to within the service? Is there a disability officer or a disability adviser for students to talk to?
Imperial has a team of three disability advisors, supervised by a senior disability advisor who deals with more complex cases. We also have a temporary disability advisor post specialising in autism.
Support from academic staff
Is advice and support available from academic staff within the faculties of the University? How do students access this advice and support?
Each academic department has a Disability Officer, as do most large non-academic departments. The student must go through this member of staff to secure exam arrangements and (along with some academic staff who have attended disability awareness training) these DDOs provide the first line of support within the departments.
Staff continuity and understanding individual needs
Are the specialist disability staff in the team able to offer a personalised, bespoke response to a student’s needs? Where possible, is continuity provided for the student in meeting the same Disability Adviser and/or mentor so the student can get to know them over time?
Each student who registers with us has their needs assessed with a disability advisor. This assessment forms the basis of a Suggested Reasonable Adjustments Document, which is sent to the student and to their Departmental Disability Officer. Advisors do not carry individual caseloads, although students can request to continue seeing a named advisor, and such requests are usually granted.
One to one mentoring support
Are there any additional services available such as mentoring, counselling services or a buddy scheme to help a new student to settle in if needed?
The College has three separate in house services in relation to mental health support for students under one department. This comprises a counselling service, a specialist mental health advice team and a mentoring service. As the latter is often over-subscribed, we also frequently refer students to the University Mentoring Organisation. We try to ensure there is continuity in mentor support as far as is preferred / possible. The College does not have a buddy scheme.
One to one / group study skills
Does the institution provide support with arranging One to one/Group study skills sessions?
Support and group sessions are available to all students while screening and assessment pending. If a student is confirmed as having an SpLD the support becomes ongoing. If a negative result is returned the student is signposted elsewhere.
Social and Peer Support
Adapted accommodation in halls
Is adapted accommodation and specialist equipment available in halls of residence?
There are wheelchair accessible rooms in all the student Halls of Residence, as well as specially adapted rooms for those students who have more extensive needs. Students can arrange to have their needs assessed in advance in order to ensure the university can fully provide for their needs.
Assistive Technology
Does the institution offer a standard level of assistive technology to disabled students?
The College has funded 16 pieces of inclusive technology in the software hub which is available on all College machines. Specialist training is available to students through a service level agreement with Diversity and Ability.
COVID-19 support
How has your Disability Support offer changed in light of the Coronavirus pandemic? Are in person appointments currently suspended? If prospective applicants would like to register with the Disability Service, how do they go about doing this currently?
All services are available online apart from full diagnostic assessments for Dyslexia SpLD/ Autism. Online inductions and transitions are currently being created.